Woodpeckers Control
Services in Georgia

Attraction to Structures

Woodpeckers are commonly drawn to structures for communication through drumming and for feeding on insect larvae, such as carpenter bees. Common types of woodpeckers include the Downy, Hairy, Pileated, Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker, Red-Head, and Northern Flicker. They may also choose to nest within these structures.

Protection Status

It's important to note that woodpeckers are federally protected species. Therefore, it's prohibited to trap them or disturb active nests with young or eggs.

30-Day Initial Program

Our approach involves installing deterrents that utilize visual, taste, touch, or smell to discourage woodpeckers from occupying structures. This program spans an initial 30 days, during which time repairs should be deferred. This delay ensures that the deterrents effectively alter the birds' behavior.

Post-Program Repairs and Maintenance

After completing the 30-day program, we then proceed with repairs to encourage the birds towards activity areas, solidifying the behavior change. Removing deterrents or repairing structures prematurely can lead to further damage. For ongoing protection, we offer a monthly or bi-monthly maintenance program, which is integrated with our pest control services.

Deterrent Options

Our deterrent solutions vary and are tailored to each situation. Options include spinning holographic deterrents, gel discs, liquid treatments, misters, and UV paint. Pricing is based on the accessibility and number of deterrents required.

Structural Repairs

Repair costs are determined by the extent of damage, areas affected, accessibility, the material of the structure (such as stucco, cedar, hard plank, wood), and any necessary painting to blend colors.

Maintenance Services

Our preventative maintenance for woodpecker control can be combined with a monthly or bi-monthly pest control program. This includes repositioning deterrents, conducting repairs, and applying liquid deterrent treatments during scheduled services at no extra cost. High-access services, such as using 40-foot ladders or specialized roofing tools, are available at an additional cost.

Additional Protected Species Services

Besides woodpeckers, we also offer deterrent and exclusion services for other protected species like vultures, swallows, ravens, nuthatches, wrens, and cardinals.

weathered wooden siding with peeling paint

Frequently Asked Questions About Woodpecker Control Services

Woodpeckers are primarily attracted to structures for two reasons: communication and feeding. They drum on structures to communicate with other birds and to feed on insect larvae, such as carpenter bees. They may also choose to nest within these structures.
Common types of woodpeckers you might encounter include the Downy, Hairy, Pileated, Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker, Red-Head, and Northern Flicker.
No, woodpeckers are federally protected, and it is illegal to trap them or disturb their active nests that contain young or eggs. Our control methods focus on deterrents rather than removal or trapping.
Our 30-day initial program involves installing various deterrents that affect the woodpeckers’ sense of visual, taste, touch, or smell. These are intended to modify their behavior without causing harm. Structural repairs to discourage woodpecker activity are conducted after this initial period.
We offer a maintenance program that can be included in a monthly or bi-monthly pest control service. This program includes moving deterrents, making necessary repairs, and applying liquid deterrent treatments on a scheduled basis. Specialized services for high-access areas are also available but are priced separately from the standard service charges.

At Smart Solutions, we prioritize the safety of both our clients and the wildlife we handle, offering expert bird removal services tailored to the unique challenges faced in Georgia.

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